Friday, June 11, 2010

Retro Flashback Dancey Groovy Day

A simple pleasure in life: rediscovering a favorite album and playing it loudly enough that you can't help but be moved by the music. Today's pick: Achtung Baby by U2. This was one of my favorite albums as a kid, and I don't think I've listened to it from beginning to end for years.

This brought to mind a contest I heard on the radio a few years ago which really made me think hard about my music library. The contest asked, "If you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 albums would you take with you?" The lack of stereo, much less power notwithstanding, I knew 2 of my 3 immediately:
1) The Fragile by Nine Inch Nails
2) Version 2.0 by Garbage

#3 eluded me. I considered many - The Soundtrack for "The Crow," U2's "Achtung Baby," Lamb's self-titled album among many others.

What about you? What would you take? I'd be very interested to know.


  1. I'm told people haven't been able to comment. Is this true?

  2. That's a tough one...Being a teenager, my favorite albums trip over each other trying to keep up there on my list...So whenever I'm asked a question such as the one you're posing, I always have to say "Currently:..."
    Plastic Beach by Gorillaz
    Kaleidoscope by Tiƫsto
    Go by Jonsi (yes, I realize the 'o' is fancy, but we Americans don't have an alt-code for that)

  3. I can comment now -

    1) A Data Learn the Language - Mercury Program
    2) In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
    3) & Yet & Yet - Do Make Say Think

    Nope, no explanations supplied or necessary

  4. I enjoyed this peek into your thoughts, and feel much the same about how the soundtracks and your life interact, especially when I'm working on performance pieces, too. I look forward to seeing the improv group this Thursday. Keep blogging. It's nice!
