Monday, June 21, 2010

The Pensieve

Yes, I've been sucked into the mythology that is Harry Potter.

Actually, I'm somewhat impressed at the number of magical apparati that Rowling has created to make her delighted readers go "oooh" and "aahhhh." I have to confess, I've done my share of ooohing and aaahing. My particular focus today is the concept of the Pensieve. Rowling created a spell that would allow a witch or wizard to remove cluttered memories from their heads and bottle them up. The witch or wizard would then pour these memories into a bowl called a Pensieve to review them later like watching a movie of the events that transpired.

I found myself in awe of such an invention. Imagine: the ability to achieve clarity by "weeding out" psychic debris. And, so I hope to achive something of some clarity now by just freely associating some items that are muddying things up:
  • Thought journals - THOUGHT JOURNALS!!!!??
  • Presentations - PRESENTATIONS!!!!!
  • Vaudeville
  • Shenani-omygod.
  • Out of the Glute becoming regular? Finding a permanent home?
  • Pony Show?
  • Fall show?
  • School? Am I ever going to work in my own classroom.

That didn't work. Now I feel more anxious.


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