Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Act V

Act V is The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails.

About time Trent graced this blog, eh?

So, what is my drug? Only a few will ever know. Many will guess, and probably come close, but I imagine only one could hit the bullseye. Even that might be a stretch.

And, now that I know the theme for my Act V, I feel like I'm being tapped on the shoulder by a muse. I feel like I've been led here by whatever guides this universe for the purpose of awakening the senses of others, if only for a brief moment. This seems like it could be an excellent play or graphic novel. Perhaps the latter. I'm fascinated by that idea. Perhaps the journal I constantly carry in my bag will finally see some sort of use again.

A five-act silent graphic novel. If I pull it off, it will be beautiful. I feel convinced that this fateful soundtrack has led me indescribably here. And at the end of the trail, I have found nothing but beauty. Unfortunately, I feel little confidence that I would be able to capture the beauty I've experienced in my amateurish scratchings, but that is not deterring me in the least.

Brace yourself journal, your bindings will be tested.

"without you, everything falls apart ... without you, it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces"


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