Thursday, February 16, 2012

Capital G

Just a suggestion for all playlists today: I would recommend that everyone in Sheridan (or anywhere) listen to the Nine Inch Nails song, “Capital G.”

I can almost hear my friend’s eyes rolling along with their inner thoughts: “We know, Aaron – you’re a fan of Trent’s.” But, please – bear with me for a moment ….

I’ll try to keep this somewhat brief, which I’m not known to do well. This past week, I have been made acutely aware of the Sheridan’s battle between the Haves and the Have-nots. I’ve always known that there’s been something of a division, but it has really defined its prevalence this week. I don’t really want to say in what capacity I was reminded of this, as I could get in deep trouble (I probably already am), but I think Sheridan has a collective unconscious that really believes in the non-existence of poor people. We don’t even want to begin to acknowledge that, for example, those folks that hold up signs down by Wal-Mart asking for help might legitimately need it.

I think the point I’m trying to get across is much more expertly expressed by Trent Reznor (at least, to my knowledge.)

If you plan to listen to it today – beware, because it has NAUGHTY WORDS – I ask that you consider two things:

  1. Trent wrote and published the song in 2007, but the “G” doesn’t necessarily have to stand for “George,” but for another characteristic that was blatantly obvious that year, and is seeming to be during the current political election. When listening, keep in mind that Trent's lyrics are from the viewpoint of a character who exemplifies the aformentioned characteristic.

  2. Do his words sound like anyone you know in town?


Here's a link to the song - hopefully it works: